I am delighted to inform you that we have decided to accept your entry to be a part of the World Poetry Directory of UNESCO.
UNESCO will make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed on this web site. However, as we are now authorizing you to change or update the contents concerning your entry in our World Poetry Directory, we are not to be held responsible for any harmful material inserted by any user of the website and, therefore, we recommend that you take prudent action in the process. In order to register renewed information, you can simply go to the "Your files" part on the homepage ( ) and type the login and password information that you have received though an automatic message.
One more thing I would like to mention to you is that the fact that you have been accepted to be enlisted in the WP Directory does not automatically give you the right to use the UNESCO logo in any way.
Thank you for your kindest attention.
We will be looking forward to your continuous support and contribution to our World Poetry Directory.
Claire Nooij
Division of Art and Cultural Enterprise
Relação de revistas e jornais brasileiros online, listados no
World Poetry Day, arquivo acessado em 22.01.2006